To winston the coral paperweight has a great significance. "The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julia's life and his own..." This quote shows a reflection of Winston's state of mind while he was in the room. Also he feels like his relationship with Julia, and the safety of the room its self can last forever while he is there. The paper weight also holds the moments of safety, and love between him and Julia in suspension from time in Winston's mind. Both the shop and the paperweight symbolize the openness and comfort of their relationship with each-other.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
A world suspended in glass.
In 1984 the room above the shop has a lot of significance."Dirty or clean, the room was paradise." This room symbolizes their own world, where they are free to think and speak and act and feel safe. The fact that they are going there is an act of rebellion and of love and it makes them feel powerful. The room also symbolized a window to the past where "extinct animals could walk" as winston says.
To winston the coral paperweight has a great significance. "The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julia's life and his own..." This quote shows a reflection of Winston's state of mind while he was in the room. Also he feels like his relationship with Julia, and the safety of the room its self can last forever while he is there. The paper weight also holds the moments of safety, and love between him and Julia in suspension from time in Winston's mind. Both the shop and the paperweight symbolize the openness and comfort of their relationship with each-other.
To winston the coral paperweight has a great significance. "The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julia's life and his own..." This quote shows a reflection of Winston's state of mind while he was in the room. Also he feels like his relationship with Julia, and the safety of the room its self can last forever while he is there. The paper weight also holds the moments of safety, and love between him and Julia in suspension from time in Winston's mind. Both the shop and the paperweight symbolize the openness and comfort of their relationship with each-other.
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