4)Discuss the importance of the room above Mr. Charrington's shop and the coral paperweight as related to Winston's relationship with Julia.
The room above Mr. Charrington's shop and the coral paperweight are special factors in the relationship between Julia and Winston.

The room above Mr. Charington's shop is a safe haven where Julia and Winston like to meet. This room is important in their relationship because this room is the only room they know of that does not have a telescreen in it. Without this room Julia and Winston would have to find another place to have their "meetings" with each other and have the risk of being caught. Where as having the room above the shop the two don't have to worry about being discovered from the police. A plus side to the room is that it is in the Proles district where Big Brother doesn't really care what the people do there. Winston thinks to himself, while waiting in the room for Julia "Of all the crimes a party member could commit, this one was the least possible to conceal."(Orwell 136) This passage shows that Winston thinks that his and Julia's relationship will be discovered. But this room says otherwise even though Winston has dought that him and Julia will be found the room is quietly protected and a safe haven for him and Julia too have their "meetings".
The paperweight is also connected to Julia's and Winston's relationship in that Julia first sees it and asks Winston what it is and in reply Winston says "It's a little chunk of history that they've forgot to alter." (Orwell 145)

This is linked to both of them because both pf them are breaking the rules and the paperweight was something that Big Brother could never cover up which shows that there once was a time when Oceania didn't look like this. I think that the paperweight is a symbol of hope for both Winston and Julia and when ever they feel lost or hopeless like nothing will ever change for them they both can look and the paperweight and remind themselves of a better time when everything wasn't controlled by Big Brother.
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