Who says age doesn't matter? Winston, thats who. Winston stumbled across what he thought was a beautiful, young lady. However, when he saw her in the light before having intercourse, he soon realized she was an old lady. This did not stop Winston though, he continued as though it was any other girl. "When I saw her in the light she was quite an old woman, fifty years old at least. But I went ahead and did it just the same." Winston payed for sex, which was strongly againsit the beliefs of those in the Inner Party. I found it extremely weird, and disturbing he had sex with a lady of that age. Winston knew it was wrong, thus why he went to the poor part of town where nobody would ever know what he was doing.
I dont agree because winston had a more or less bad reaction to the woman
ReplyDeleteAge didn't matter at the time because sex is not allowed. I do agreed with parker about this encounter being very weird and disturbing.
ReplyDeleteThis changed my thought on Winston a little bit. I thought Winston was the guy who would do the right things, would make good decisions, and would be patient. But having sex with a 50 year old women when you don't know what her history is in the past, it's a bit disturbing and shows he's quite desperate.
ReplyDeletemaybe this old prostitute will be Winstons answers to the past. Winston should go back to the woman but think before he acts this time
ReplyDeletei had the same beliefs. i love title and opening sentence. humor is a great way to get your readers interested. ;)
ReplyDeleteHey guys - what do you think Orwell's purpose is in including this scene? How does the disturbing nature of this scene relate to not only Winston's character but to the dehumanizing nature of life under the Party?