After Winston recieved the love note from the dark haired girl (later identified as Julia) his outlook on things and life specifically changed. He thinks "at the sight of the words I love you the desire to stay alive had welled up in him, the taking of minor risks suddenly seemed stupid." Winston described his feelings as stunned and had to reread the note to "make sure the words were really there." Winston no longer wrote in his dairy because he thought it was dumb and foolish to take the risk now that he has this girl. He has something to live for. The only risks he takes is with the girl and by doing so he is rebeling but that is not his main focus. Winston is doing what he wants with little regard for Big Brother.
This relationship also gives Winston an agenda. Before Julia he would go to work and the canteen, once in a while stop in at Mr. Charrington's shop then try to write in his dairy and he would repeat that daily. Now everyday he enjoys the little satisfaction of rebeling the party by talking to Julia at differents parts of town, in the streets, secret spots, all at different times. Julia slowly rubs off on Winston eveytime they talk. She exclaims "we're not dead yet" and "dont you enjoy being alive? I'm real, I'm solid, I'm alive! Dont you like this? She makes Winston realize how much he really does enjoy this.
Interesting ideas Alex - can you expand your commentary on your last quote? What is Julia's attitude here and how is Winston's state of mind changing because of it?