In the beginning chapters of Book 2 Winston's state of mind changes because of the relationship with Julia. On his way to the lavatory he saw the girl with the black hair coming towards him. She felled on her arm that was already in a sling. While he was helping her up, she gave Winston a little sheet of paper unnoticeable. After he had opened the sheet of paper at his desk and had realized that "I love you" was written on it, "His whole mind and body seemed to be afflicted with an unbearable sensitivity, a sort of transparency, which made every movement, every sound, every contact, every word that he had to speak or listen to , an agony.,", displaying his feeling that he really desires to speak and have contact to Julia (p.111). He wants to be close to her, but it almost is impossible to have contact because first of all you are not allowed to and second of all there is not a single room without a telescreen. His whole thinking of Julia has changed after this accident. Before he thought that she might be part of the thought police, but now he has a desire for her and wants to be close to her.
His state of mind changes because of the relationship with Julia. Before he was feared and anxious about BIG BROTHER, but it changed to the point that he wants to start a rebellion against BIG BROTHERS whole idea of people thinking the same, reducing the words in the dictionary etc. They arranged a time when they could meet far away from the city in a secret spot hidden by trees. There she is saying "As soon as I saw you I knew you were against them.", showing her attitude towards BIG BROTHER and INGSOC (p.122). It changes his state of mind that he is now getting more rebellious as he is later on going with Julia to the room above Mr. Charrington's shop and staying there for a while although it is forbidden. He does more and more things that are against the rules and thinks about having the proles helping him starting a rebellion because he think that proles are they only one being able to have a rebellion. She was a main factor that Winston is now thinking this way and might start a rebellion with the help of the proles.
Hi Philipp - if your claim in 2nd paragraph is about Winston's state of mind and its changes - can you find some evidence to help support this? His actions are becoming more reckless but can we see this reflected in his thoughts as well?