Winston's opinion on Julia has completely turned 180 degrees. In the opening chapters Winston's loathes Julia with a burning passion because he believes she is a spy who is trying to have him vaporized. He constantly catches her starring at him and even once he saw her following into prole territory. Winston hated her so much that he even admitted to her his burning hatred when they were in the clearing;"I hated the sight of you. I wanted to rape you then murder you afterwards(Orwell 101)" Although this is a very vivid and brutal description of WInston's hatred towards her, Julia finds it hilarious that he would suspect her of being a spy. She hated the Party just as much, if not more, that Winston. This mutual hatred against the Party is now what attracts these two to each other.
Once Winston and Julia confirmed that they both craved corruption and rebellion against the Party, they fell madly in love. Julia loved Winston's corrupt ways so much that she said she could care less about the "false teeth" or the "varicose veins". And Winston said that he wished she had been with countless men because it meant that she felt strongly against the ways of the Party. He shows his attractive to her sleezy ways when he said,"Listen. The more men you've had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?(104)." Most men would be disturbed if their woman had been with so many men, but Winston is so opposed to the Party that he is attracted to anything Julia does that doesn't obey the rule. Although they may not be the most generic couple to have walked the planet, Winston and Julia have become a loving couple despite the passionate hatred that Winston had once had for her.
the picture is of two characters from the show Hey Arnold. They were known as two kids who didn't like eachother for a long while but ended up being lovers
ReplyDeleteInteresting Charles - I wonder if others agree - do you all feel Winston and Julia have true love or is it more lust and circumstance?