In the novel "1984" by George Orwell the whole society in London, Oceania has changed. Everybody is working for BIG BROTHER and the party INGSOC. Almost all people - except of the one's living in the slums - have telescreens in their apartments which you can't turn off and which are bringing all the news edited by the Ministry of Truth to you. It also functions like a supervisor camera because they are checking what your are doing because you are not allowed to do a lot of things like writing etc. In the forth chapter Winston is eating lunch with some guys, one called Syme. Syme is editing the dictionary but instead of what you would think they were doing adding words to it, they are actually reducing words, for example: "bad" is not a word anymore, you now have to use "ungood". This shows that INGSOC wants to reduce the amount of words so everybody will think the same, showing in the quote as Syme is saying to Winston, "Don't you see that whole aim of newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?"(p.52, l. 10-11). It displays how they are going to make the people think the same. Just narrow the words and "delete" the old words so you have to use NEWSPEAK.
When I read this chapter I was surprised about their technique to change the people's minds. I would never have guessed that they would try to reduce the words so everybody thinks the same way and has the same kind of thoughts. That really shocked me because I thought they rather don't allow things than reducing the words.
Why do you think the party wants their people to all be the same? Is it cause that way no one will rebel against them?
ReplyDeleteIs the party limiting the speech in order to limit peoples ability to comunicate a rebelion?
ReplyDeleteNice analysis guys - do you believe this to be true? Can limiting language limit or reduce thought?