The telescreen is a frightening idea personally. The feeling of always being watched and observed is a bit scary and out of the ordinary. In the opening chapters, there is a telescreen basically everywhere Winston is. For example, in the beginning, there is a big telescreen which everyone is watching it and chanting at it. Also, when Winston is in his room, there is a telescreen with a man watching him. I think this is a terrible idea and I could not stand going to sleep at night while two eyes lay upon me across the room. Winston describes the telescreen by saying, "The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously. Any sound made, above the level of a low whisper, would be picked up by it." This quote shows that no matter what Winston does or says, the telescreen is going to pick up on whats going on. This is very scary because if he does or says something against the government, it will be heard and he will be killed.
Even knowing that the telescreen can catch everything and pick up on anything people say, why do you think Winston risks keeping a diary and writing in it almost everyday? He knows the punishment is death, but he continues to sneak the diary and write his thoughts.
ReplyDeleteNice link here TJ - some interesting ideas are explored on that site.