1) How does Winston's relationship with Julia begin to change his state of mind in the opening chapters of book two?
Through out the entire book, Winston had an agenda that never changed. Until, one day at work the dark haired girl slipped him a note saying " I love you". Winston soon found himself falling in love with this woman, the same woman he wanted to kill weeks prior. "At the sight of the words I love You the desire to stay alive had welled up in him, and the taking of minor risks suddenly seemed stupid." Winston later found out she was just as corrupt as himself. Even though she makes it look like she agrees with Big Brother and follows all the big rules, it allows her to break the small rules and get away with it. Winston and Julia, the dark haired girl, are lovers which is against the Party. "I hate purity, I hate goodness. I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones." Winsont now sees a purpose in life, something exciting to look forward to everyday. Thus, Winston is breaking the rules with no regard to Big Brother.
Through out the entire book, Winston had an agenda that never changed. Until, one day at work the dark haired girl slipped him a note saying " I love you". Winston soon found himself falling in love with this woman, the same woman he wanted to kill weeks prior. "At the sight of the words I love You the desire to stay alive had welled up in him, and the taking of minor risks suddenly seemed stupid." Winston later found out she was just as corrupt as himself. Even though she makes it look like she agrees with Big Brother and follows all the big rules, it allows her to break the small rules and get away with it. Winston and Julia, the dark haired girl, are lovers which is against the Party. "I hate purity, I hate goodness. I don't want any virtue to exist anywhere. I want everyone to be corrupt to the bones." Winsont now sees a purpose in life, something exciting to look forward to everyday. Thus, Winston is breaking the rules with no regard to Big Brother.
(New Paragraph)Before Julia was apart of Winston's life, he repeated the same thing day after day with no new adventure. Now he has something to look forward to everyday, wether its meeting her in the streets or in a secret spot to have sex, he has life to him. Winston is now having fun in life, disregarding Big Brothers rules at the same time. He realizes he must play the game, following the big rules, serving the community, etc. If he does that, it allows him to break small rules like having sex with Julia and people will not be suspicious about him.
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