In the beginning of Book Three, Chapter One, Winston wakes up in a prison cell with other prisoners just hours after being captured. Winston watched as one prisoner after another was called into the terrifying room 101, where their torture and killing took place for their crimes committed. Since being captured, Winston has not eaten or drinked anything, leaving him in constant hunger pain. When we experience emotional and physical pain in life, sometimes we forget the most important things in life. As we read in this chapter, Winstons love for Julia has no relevance at this time. Winston knew that he would eventually be caught, that his love affair with Julia would soon come to a screeching hault. "You knew this, Winston" said O-Brien. "Don't deceive yourself. You did know it- you have always known it."Winston tried convincing himself that he would get away with it, however, O-Brien talked sense into him in the prison cell stating Winston knew the risk he was taking and the consequences that came with it. As Winston saw people being called into room 101, he saw the terror and panic that took over their bodies. "Ive got a wife and three children... You can take the whole lot of them and cut their throats in front of my eyes, and I'll stand by and watch it. But not room 101." After hearing this, Winston frantically came to realize how bad room 1o1 truly was. Winston watched one after one enter, knowing what was to come and they helplessly had no choice. Now, it was Winstons turn to wait in panic and terror as he awaited the dreadful moment of being called into room 101.
Do we really think that Winston did not care about Julia at this time in the book at all ? or are our thoughts blurred by the terrible lead up and acts in room 101.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Grayson. I don't think that he didn't think about Julia but that he was mostly thinking about the horrible things that were happening to him.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with Caroline and Grayson, I think that Winston was thinking about Julia, but he was more concerned about what was going on with him and the pain that he was going through.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with the other three people, Winston did know that they would be caught but he knew he wanted to continue with what he was doing until he was caught. Also, when Winston went into the room he said he wanted the torture to be done to Julia but they both agreed that no matter what they said they didnt betray the other because the party could get them to say anything.
ReplyDeleteWhen Winston told them to torture Julia instead was the most shocking piont in the book for me. You expect Winston to be a man and protect the one he loves. Honestly i would rather die then live in a world like this anyway. Then again the way he throws his wife and kids into the scary image he does you question if room 101 is even worse than winston imagines