The most eventful chapter in the book 1984 is chapter 10 of book 2 because in this chapter Winston and Juilia's safe haven comes crumbling down and have been caught in their shenanigans. Everything was going fine for Julia and Winston then one morning everything came down upon them. This morning the two of them were talking about how perfect the proles would be to be revolt. They watched one of the proles singing and thought "The birds sang, the proles sang, the party did not sing." Which shows how scared the party is of the proles and if they learn about the lies the party is telling them then the party can be in trouble will be taken over. So when the proles sing and the birds sing it means that they are blind to the real world and what is actually happening and think life is great.
Interesting post in my opinion, it reflects the ideas of the Proles, singing, Julia and Winston. The last line is great and makes you think about the relationship and connections one can make.
ReplyDeleteI also think this is interesting because throughout the whole book Winston has thought about how the Proles would be idea to take down the party, and now here he is talking about it just before him and Julia are caught.