In Chapter One (book 3), Winston wakes up in a jail cell with a crowd of other prisoners just after being arrested and taken away. Winston watches as one by one the officers pull out each prisoner and take them to room 101, and how the prisoners beg and plead to go anywhere but there. Winston seemed to forget about Julia while in the cell, and only cared about the well-being of himself. As he thought of the brotherhood he had with O'Brien we can see of his lack of remembrance for Julia, "He loved her and would not betray her; but that was only a fact, known as he knew the rules of arithmetic. He felt no love for her, and he hardly even wondered what was happening to her" (Orwell 229). With all the physical and emotional pain happening to Winston, he has no time to think of Julia. He's concerned with what is going on in the prison cell and trying to get some food in his stomach. With the guidance of O'Brien when he arrives in the cell, Winston comes to face the truth when O'Brien says, "You knew this, Winston. Don't deceive yourself. You did know it- you have always know it" (Orwell 239). All along, Winston knew the risk he was taking by being with Julia. With the help of O'Brien he came to realize what he has done is over with and he can't change that. Now with the support of O'Brien by his side, he sits in fear and waits for his name to be called for Room 101...
This also shows how people feel about other people who were their best friends or wives etc. The one guy said that they should cut his children's throat and kill his wife rather than doing it to him. It emphasizes that your whole mind changes after being under control of the party and you loose your love for your best friends and siblings etc.
ReplyDeleteNiki-is OBrien supporting Winston? Need to read closer here.