In the last chapter of book ll in George Orwell's 1984, Mr. Charrington symblizes that as soon as you think you have outsmarted the Party, in reality they are just waiting for you. As Winston and Julia got up to put their clothes on a voice started talking to them, they knew this will be the end of them. The voice was indeed from a telescreen and the room qiuckly filled with men in uniforms in which one was Mr. Charrington. One of the men smashed the coral glass paperweight. Winston had compared this to his life at one piont and now its on the ground shattered which is exactly his life now. Winston thinks "for the first time in his life he was looking, with knowledge, at a member of the Thought Police." This is significant because this Mr. Charrington was once a guy that Winston talked with and now all of that has gone away. Winston will never know who is apart of the thought police unless he is being captured, then it doesnt matter if he knows who it is. His "perfect world" is coming to a screeching halt.
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