In chapter three of book three, O'Brien continues his torture of Winston, but while doing this he reveals key information about the party to Winston. Winston is being brainwashed into believing everything O'Brien says about the party. "The terrible thing about all this, is that when O'Brien would say it he would believe it." Winston is under the impression that O'Brien knows every little detail about the party, and so when he says something, no matter how untrue it really is, Winston believes it. Winston becomes just another pupil under the parties watch while being tortured. He is unable to come up with is own opinion's and is under the influence of anything O'Brien says.
the quote needs more of a transition. its a good quote but you just jump straight into it
ReplyDeleteI agree on the fact that Winston just goes along with what ever O' Brian says. And the picture is a good representation of that.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Dal, and the picture really helps make your paragraph come to life in my opinion. I agree with charles that you need some more evidence and build up before your quote, it is just thrown in there and isn't really explained.
ReplyDeleteI agree, I think that the fact that Winston goes along with everything that O'Brien says is scary and hard to comprehend but the picture really helps explain it.