In Chapter four, we finally see Winston making a transformation into a normal Party citizen. After the endless sessions of torture and persuasion in Room 101, Winston is finally caving to the relentless power of O'Brien and the Though Police. Winston's realization to accept the terms of Big Brother comes in the middle of the chapter when he thinks to himself,"He hardly knew why he ever rebelled. Everything was easy..." Winston has finally come to realize that even if he doesn't completely agree with the Party's ways, life would be much easier if he would just go with the flow and do or believe whatever he is told. It is sort of sad that he is just now realizing this because if he had before he even tried any acts against the Party he still would be living his normal, peaceful life behind his desk at the Ministry of Truth. We see Winston trying to physically convince himself to agree with the the Party when he starts to write on the paper he was given. "FREEDOM IS SLAVERY...TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE...GOD IS POWER" All of these phrases were words that O'Brien had pumped into Winston's head during a session in Room 101. By writing this, we see that Winston has completely given up on the idea of taking down Big Brother and is now trying to make up for lost time by showing O'Brien that he is willing to accept the Party. Although he has not been completely brainwashed yet, Winston is certainly on his way to becoming yet another robot controlled by Big Brother.
I agree with you here Charles. Everything that O'Briend forced into him, helped him become a "party Member"