The main difference about Julia's and Winston's philosophies about the party are that Julia likes to break the big rules and is not as cautious. Winston on the other hand, likes to break the smaller rules and is a lot more careful about what he does. Throughout the novel, Winston breaks some of the smaller rules such as having sexual intercourse with the prostitute. When Winston stepped into the place they were about to do it, he quoted, "when i saw her in the light she was quite an old women, fifty years old at least. But i went ahead and did it just the same." In my opinion, this meant that Winston just wanted to go against the party and knew he could get away with something. Even though the lady was old and very unattractive, breaking the parties rules and and doing what he believed was more important. Another example is Winston writing in his diary about his beliefs. Knowing that he can't talk down about the party, he knows he can't just keep his feelings inside him.
Julia, also hates the party and believes in breaking its rules. The one big difference is that the rules she is way less cautious and isn't as afraid as Winston is. She believes that since the party is always so focused on people breaking the smaller rules, that she could break the bigger rules and not be caught. For example, Julia is always interested in having fun and never being worried about the party. While with Winston, Julia says, "Oh Rubbish, which would you sooner sleep with me or a skeleton? Don't you enjoy being alive? Dont you like feeling: This is me, this is my hand, this is my leg, I'm real, I'm solid, I'm alive! Don't you like this?" The quote shows Julia is worried about the party at all and only cares about the present and not about what could happen to her because of this. This means she isn't worried about being caught.
I agree with most of this post, but i do not agree that Julia only wants to only break bigger rules. She just wants to have fun and doesn't care, which he did touch on a little bit.
ReplyDeleteyes with what grayson said Julia barly cares what rules she breaks she just wants to have fun, and when she is being watch she does the "right" thing