Tuesday, March 8, 2011

George Orwell

Educational source: by Caroline http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Orwell#Literary_career
George Orwell is a writer who presented his opinions on different types of governments. He was born 25 June 1903 as Eric Arthur Blair but used a pen name. He shows his view on a dystopian society in his book 1984. Through many of his books he critisizes totalitarianism and lobbies for democratic socialism. He began to support socialism after the spanish civil war

News Source: by Martin http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/09/23/clark.colbert/index.html?iref=allsearch
“ If George Orwell and Lucille Ball had a love child, his name would be Stephen Colbert” CNN. Steven Colbert did a sketch on the governments ability to spy on its citizens. Colbert sarcastically pretends that he likes the ability for the government to spy on its citizens. Similar to Orwell’s main character Winson who pretends to like his government.

Political by Ben http://mural.uv.es/mabela/orw+pol.htm
Orwell was a left wing pioneer because he said that the Communism and Fascism are almost the same. He stated that both sorts of regimes began to take away property and nationalize the industry. Orwell saw in the Communist as well as in the Fascist leaders as people who were greedy for power and that their political views did not matter a lot so long the meanings promised increase of power.

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