Friday, February 18, 2011

Covered Encounters

"Party Women never paint their faces. There was no one else in the street, and no tele-screens."

At this moment in the novel, all of my thoughts about Winston changed. From his rebellious thoughts to writing in a dairy to cheating on his wife, Winston is without a doubt now a rebellious man. The lady was hiding her age behind all of the makeup or paint and Winston was eager to follow the women to a basement. There he had a sexual encounter without tele-screens and had a moment away from the pain of Insoc society and Katharine, his wife. Winston later finds out her aged and while he is stunned his actions remain the same. I am not sure what to think about this passages in chapter six. At first it strange and something new, but also the thought that she is prostitute and has corrupted many man before Winston.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It displays that he haven't had sex in a long time (you weren't allowed to have it) so he didn't care about her age because of his desire. It is pretty surprising to me because Winston didn't appear like that.

  3. When Winston talks about the party girls who is he referring to?

  4. Do you think Winston really cared about her age but was to caught up in his emotions to let it affect him?
